· 4 min read

🗣️ My Communication Methods

Chat Email Listening Non-Verbal Phone Text Telepathy Verbal

Everyone is different. Here’s some ways that I communicate to other people. Maybe we’re the same, maybe we’re different. 🙃

Pros or Cons.

Some overall feelings I have about communicating…

  • Doodling while listening helps me focus on what I’m listening to.
  • I’m fine going a couple of days without talking, it’s been awhile. Maybe being an only child is the reason?
  • Not good at public speaking
  • Talking to around 2-4 people in the same room is the right amount of people for me to feel comfortable.


Chat 💬

Some people are direct, some people what to shoot the breeze with a “Good Morning!”, “Happy Friday!”, or “How are you?” I’m fine either way. Sometimes chatting for an extended period of time is tough for me. I used to be really into Hotline and the #jquery-ot IRC chat room.

Email 📧

Allows me think before I send. I’ve definitely have sent emails that I should have thought longer about before they were sent. Oh well. I’ve practiced Inbox Zero for work for years and it helps. I’m always a bit shocked when someone has 1,000+ emails in their inbox for work. I try and keep a mental note that emailing that person will probably not be the best way to get a hold of them.

Listening 👂🏽

I think I’m good at this. Could probably be better. Listening a skill that you should always try and get better at. Really dialing into what someone is saying is an art. I’ve found that usually people look at me like they’re waiting for me to shut up so they can start talking. I don’t want to make anyone feel like that while they’re talking to me. You talking to me?

Meetings 📆

Probably my least favorite but can also be super productive, inspiring, and engaging. I find that the more people in the meeting, the tougher it is to get going and be an awesome meeting.

Non-Verbal 🙊

Body language says a lot. Too much coffee. Not feeling well. Someone just said something to me that really offended me. People communicate with these emotions in different ways. Some are more dramatic, some are more subtle. Me personally I wear my emotions all over my face. It’s not to hard to figure out how I’m feeling by the way I look.

Phone ☎️

I’m a big fan of this one although I don’t do it very much. I like talking to people briefly or for a long time. Way better than texting.

Text 📲

Ok, but not my favorite. Seems like it’s everyone elses and that’s fine. I like animated gifs and emojis. Can you tell?

Telepathy 🧠

This has happened to me with other people before. I should note when it does. Actually maybe it just a conicidence that I’m thinking the same thing as someone else.


I feel like I’m not the best at this and when I’m good at it (which is rare) I usually forget what I’ve said immediately after I’ve said it. I can curse a bit when I start getting hyped up.


I should learn sign language. It’s not on here but it should be.

Here’s the AI Conclusion

In conclusion, this individual’s communication style is shaped by a blend of preferences and challenges. They thrive in intimate conversations and value thoughtful exchanges, particularly through email, where they can carefully consider their responses. While they are keen listeners and appreciate the art of communication, they are less comfortable with larger meetings and public speaking. Their reliance on non-verbal cues and a preference for phone calls over texting highlight their desire for more personal and direct interactions. Despite feeling less confident in verbal communication, they remain self-aware and continue to seek improvement in their overall communication approach.

🦶🏼 Notes

  1. The 37signals Guide to Internal Communication
  2. How to Improve Your Communication Skills
  3. What Brené Brown can teach you about effective communication
  4. The Upstream Cause of the Youth Mental Health Crisis is the Loss of Community
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